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Dr. Batelli Innovative Treatments


As a board certified foot and ankle surgeon, Dr. Batelli has advanced training in total ankle joint replacement for severely arthritic ankles. He is trained by Tornier (Salto Talaris Implant), SBI (STAR Ankle), Wright Medical (In-Bone, Infinity, and Prophecy) and the newly advanced Zimmer Trabecular Metal Total Ankle. Not every ankle is the same requiring the need to have more than one implant available. Let his expertise in TAR help you find the proper implant.

Total Ankle Replacement



Amniotic Membrane Therapy can help patients overcome acute and chronic wounds. Physicians encounter a variety of wound types on a daily basis, including acute wounds caused by surgical intervention, trauma and burns, as well as chronic wounds that are delayed in closing compared to healing in an otherwise healthy individual. Chronic wounds include diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, and arterial ulcers. it is used to help regenerate soft tissue. It reduces scar tissue formation, reduces inflammation in the surgical site, enhances healing, and acts as a barrier.

Amniotic Membrane Therapy


A non-surgical, non-pharmacologic therapy for osteoarthritis. This therapy can help relieve your pain, improve your mobility, and get you back to your normal activities. The goal is to supplement poor-quality hyaluronan in your painful joint with additional highly purified hyaluronan. This therapy is an injectable solution made from highly purified sodium hyaluronate.

Joint Fluid Therapy


Patients should consider PRP treatment if they have been diagnosed with a tendon injury in which conservative treatment such as anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, and bracing have not provided symptomatic relief.


For most patients PRP offers a solid, alternative treatment for those who do not wish to have surgery. An initial evaluation will determine if PRP is a viable treatment option. Using the patient’s own blood, specially prepared platelets are taken and then re-injected into the affected area. The platelets release substances known as “growth factors” that lead to tissue healing. By concentrating the platelets that release growth factors up to 14 times, healing is promoted. While other treatments such as corticosteroid injections may provide temporary relief and stop inflammation, PRP injections actually heal over a period of time.

Platelet Rich Plasmas



E.S.W.T treats a variety of conditions using shock waves, or Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT), outside the body. The treatment is non-surgical and non-invasive. This quick, effective procedure harnesses intense but very short energy waves to heal many chronic painful orthopedic conditions.


It is a non-surgical procedure used to cure chronic plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow, shoulder tendonitis, and other chronic tendinopathies.

Lithotripsy, Because the treatment is non-invasive many of the expenses and risks of surgery are eliminated.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy


Footpad pain is very common, but those who suffer from this condition don’t always know how to treat it. This is an injectable treatment for footpad discomfort.


As we age we tend to lose volume, collagen and elastin beneath the surface of the skin. This condition, known as metatarsalgia, can cause great discomfort for your feet, especially in high heels. Treatment involves the injection of filler into the ball of the foot to act as “internal padding” which reduces pain while walking. Results will last for approximately 6-12 months. Repetition of the procedure increases collagen with time, providing longer results with subsequent injections.

Pillows for the Feet
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